تفاصيل البحث
الرئيسية / الابحاث / تفاصيل البحث

عنوان البحث: استخدام نهج تتابع التسلسل الجينى فى نخيل البلح

الملخص: Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is related to the family Arecaceae, which is considered one of the most ancient economically cultivated crops. Mainly, it is grown in the arid regions of the Middle East and North Africa. The crucial matter in maintaining the diverse number of date palm cultivars in Egypt is its biodiversity conservation of it. In order to progress programs and cultivar characterization and conservation to combat genetic erosion, we must estimate the genetic variability and right date palm cultivar identification this is the important point to present a comprehensive investigation for Egyptian date palm genome variations and develop novel DNA markers (SNPs and indels) in four date palm cultivars using SOLiD sequencing.

السنة: 2022

المؤلفين من داخل المركز
  • أشرف محمد هندام
  • أحمد فاروق احمد الصادق